Reflection on Key Learnings from 631
We don't know what we don't know
What if access to healthcare was based on the flip of a coin? Reflections on the Coin Model and it's role in community engagement.
Could breast screening guidelines be based on misinformation?
A Midpoint Reflection on My Health Promotion Journey
My health promotion learning journey - looking back so I can look ahead.
Health promotion – what's the Ottawa Charter got to do with it?
Building a foundation during a pandemic to provide the Best care, Every Person, Every Time
I didn't know what I didn't know - building my knowledge of vulnerable populations
Mental Health in BC & Ontario: Vulnerable Populations
COVID-19 - a virus that knows no boundaries. FINAL VERSION
COVID-19 - A virus that knows no boundaries
Social Determinants of Health - a British Columbia and Ontario Snapshot
What measures determine you are healthy? An Ontario perspective.
Health - what does it mean to you?
MHST601 - Assignment #1
It's official, I am now a blogger!!