To be completely honest, I cannot believe we are more than halfway done MHST631. I have really enjoyed exploring health promotion and the many areas of focus that must be considered to effectively plan and implement an improvement activity. I have gained a stronger appreciation for the social determinants of health, and how to use them to address problems within health promotion activities.

Personally, I am one that is process and data driven. Although at times these are some of my strengths, I actually found them to be a limitation when working on the infographic assignment. I anticipated receiving feedback that recommended presenting the data using a form of illustration, rather than presenting it in a table, but I could not create a visual that satisfied my personal need to see all the data. When working with infographics moving forward, I will prepare some drafts that include both a visual and a data table, and seek feedback on which presentation style is best understood by the target audience.

The biggest difficulty I have experienced has been getting caught up on the learning activities so I can actively participate with my classmates in a timely manner. Getting behind by essentially missing week two and three has weighed heavily on me, as I have typically been an active participant in course discussions. It has been a whirlwind semester for me both personally and professionally, and I am hopeful I will be able to focus my energies more consistently for the remaining weeks of this course.

I am excited to learn more about evaluation techniques as I have found that many improvement projects lack strength in measuring and evaluating the impact of the project. Not all health promotion or improvement projects result in the intended outcomes, and the only way to identify that is to effectively evaluate the impact the activity has had. Specifically, learning how to apply evaluation techniques at a community level will be very rewarding and valuable to my role as a healthcare leader.
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