I am a proud father of three awesome children (two gentlemen and a little lady) and husband to a wonderful woman who keeps me on my toes and focused on the true issues at hand. We have been fortunate to be able to build our dream home on the family farm where we are entertained by a horse, 4 goats and 21 chickens. As a family we enjoy game nights, camping and travelling the local arenas to support each others passion for hockey.
Professionally I am a Medical Laboratory Technologist with a commitment to lifelong learning while searching to achieve a manageable work-life balance. I am currently employed at the Haldimand War Memorial Hospital where I hold the title of Director of Diagnostic Imaging & Laboratory. In this role I am responsible for the technical and operational requirements of my departments, to support the clinical diagnostic needs of our physicians, while facilitating our organizations accreditation compliance and success.

I am a forty-six-year-old Caucasian male, who was born and raised in a small rural community in Southeastern Ontario, Canada. I grew up playing a variety of team and individual sports, including hockey, baseball, soccer, karate, swimming, and sailing. I was also active in Scouting and achieved the Chief Scout designation. I have completed a Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Cell Biology from Western University and a diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences from St. Lawrence College. I have achieved designation as an Advanced Registered Technologist by the Canadian Society of Medical Laboratory Science and Manager of Quality / Organizational Excellence by the American Society of Quality. Participation in these activities has formed the foundation upon which my personal and professional attributes have been built.
As a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a friend, a coach, a co-worker, and a healthcare leader – I approach each day with an honest, caring and positive outlook and a willingness to tackle any challenges life places in our path. As the VIce President - Diagnostics and Health Information Services for Haldimand War Memorial Hospital, a small rural healthcare facility, I embrace the opportunity to provide high quality diagnostic services for our community, while ensuring my teams have the resources and supports they require to allow them to succeed in their healthcare roles.
I am currently pursuing a Master in Health Studies from Athabasca University, for which I am focusing on leadership and health promotion. I strive to utilize an authentic leadership style when carrying out my professional duties and am looking forward to learning how to promote best practices and inform members of my community on how to access the services they may require, to minimize the inequities that exist within our healthcare system. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) equity is the absence of unfair, avoidable, or remediable differences among groups of people, whether those groups are defined socially, economically, demographically, or geographically or by other dimensions of inequality (WHO, n.d.). Furthermore, WHO identifies that health equity is achieved when everyone can attain their full potential for health and well-being (WHO, n.d). I believe all Canadians deserve equitable access to high quality healthcare, whenever they need it. I am committed to working with my regional partners to minimize barriers impacting health equity for my family, and all residents of Haldimand County.
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Health Equity. https://www.who.int/health-topics/health-equity#tab=tab_1
As Director of Diagnostic Imaging and Laboratory, it is my role to provide a health care experience that is safe, inclusive and supports the needs of our patients, their families, and our clinical partners, regardless of their background or status within our community.
As a healthcare leader and a member of the management team within my organization, I support my teams so they can meet and exceed the expectations of our customers, while ensuring competency to follow the policies and procedures outlined in our quality management system. I also function as liaison between our clinical partners to facilitate the provision of appropriate diagnostic tests in a timely and reliable fashion that supports the provision of care for the patients we serve.
My professional designation within the healthcare sector is that of a Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT). The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science shares the following description: “Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) are an important part of the health care professional team. Using a variety of complex instruments, they analyze tissue samples, blood and other body fluids as a part of the diagnostic procedure. MLTs provide the results of these sophisticated tests to physicians, allowing them to make accurate diagnosis and if needed, appropriate treatment.” (CSMLS Medical Laboratory Technologist, n.d.)
Get to know Canada's medical laboratory professionals at http://wearelab.ca/. Medical Laboratory Technologists, Diagnostic Cytotechnologists, Clinical Genetics Technologists and Medical Laboratory Assistants are all part of the medical laboratory community across Canada (CSMLS, n.d.).
CSMLS. (n.d.) Medical Laboratory Technologist.Retrieved January 22, 2021, from https://csmls.org/Medical-Laboratory-Professionals/About/Medical-Laboratory-Technologists-(MLT).aspx
This ePortfolio website has been created to support my educational journey towards completion of the Master of Health Studies program at Athabasca University. At the same time it will serve as an opportunity to showcase my professional and personal achievements and experiences.
This website will be in a state of continuous improvement as I grow both as a student and as a professional.